Monday, November 30, 2009

Neglected Blog

2009 is nearly over, but I'm still trying to simplify and restore! The blog is neglected, but only because I'm working at getting stuff done. The house is taking shape... we finally got all 3 garage bays cleared out so we could park cars in them. Voila! That is quite a feat. We have some boxes in the house to sort and put away from the garage clearing project, but the amount of junk that has LEFT here in the last month is staggering... Tori had a little friend over and wanted to give her a stuffed bear. The parents said "are you sure it's OK?" and both Todd and I said "if it is leaving here, it is VERY OK!"

The photo is of Todd posing in the cleared garage.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

More wheel-spinning... and many losses catching up

It has been a shorter week this week, but also I just seem to keep coming up with things that are more important than getting down to business with this house, and the stuff that overflows. However, they ARE important - - a child acting out in a big way (and I mean BIG) because his mental state is not stable, which of course requires conversations with all his professionals... a broken retainer for another child... the start of Bible Study (and this SHOULD come before things), and just the need for family time and relaxation (we sat down and watched a movie together Saturday night, for the first time since moving to this house in May).

Somehow (being very honest here) I am feeling sadness from so much loss of late - - loss of my mom almost a year ago, loss of my Uncle Bob in June, and loss of another part of our family's lives that really was very dear to us, as well of trying to curb any further problems with a child that will result in loss of dreams, both ours and his for him. I know that God is there... and I know all this is in His plan. I also know He will fill me, and all of my family, with so much more than we can ever possibly imagine. I hope for many quiet days as fall settles in that will allow me time with Him (as I also shovel out stuff, that complicates our lives rather than enhances them) so that I can clearly see where He is taking us.


Thursday, September 3, 2009

First Showing

Our house got shown today for the first time! How exciting... we won't be able to redo the hardwoods until the end of Sept, but I'm excited it is being shown anyhow.

I was exhausted this morning - - too much taxi-driving kids around this week, for sure, and also so much effort spent on both the other house, and on Todd's football draft (fantasy football) party Monday. I hope tomorrow will be more productive. I am STILL working on that laundry, getting it put away, from last week. And there is tons more now too to wash fold and sort. It is no wonder I got into this place of clutter/disorganization in the first place!


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The other house, and When God sends and email...

The other house is looking very saleable. That's good, as it officially went "live" on the mls yesterday. We still need the hardwoods refinished, but we found a company that was highly recommended to us and are just waiting to get the job scheduled. Praying for a SOON date for that. I loved cleaning it out the rest of the way this weekend, even if that meant bringing all Todd's garage mess (which I at least organized as I packed, and thinned out) to this garage. At least now all we need to simplify is under one roof - - I think! We're praying the house sells soon, and to someone who will be a really nice neighbor to all our very precious friends and neighbors on that street.

On another completely different topic, there is one area of our lives that continually complicates rather than simplifies things for us. (OK, I guess there are more than one area, but this one we can actually DO something about!). We've been praying for God's direction there for some time, and waiting on Him. I jokingly told one of my friends that I have been waiting for God's email. In the last month, a few things have happened with this area of our lives that seem to be making God's direction more, and more clear. Monday night, we walked into circumstances that while not an email, could not have made God's direction any clearer. Praise Him!!! I'll share more on this in weeks to come, but if you'd pray with us on this exciting direction God seems to be taking us, that we just hear His will above all others, including our own, we'd so appreciate it. It definitely goes along with teh simplify and restore theme... :-)

Have a blessed Tuesday, Laura

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Spinning Wheels

OK, so today is a spinning the wheels day. The carpet at the old house is in, and looks fabulous; I spent this morning over talking with our friend living there about furniture placement, and shopping for stuff to accessorize the house. I got a lot done, but since I HATE shopping I am so glad it is done! There is still a lot of carpet installation dust, etc... to be cleaned - - I hope she can do that - - and then furniture to be placed. The right thing to do, also, is to make valances for the kitchen and slider windows in the house, just to make it look more finished. I'll do that too... hopefully tonight or tomorrow AM. And, there is more accessorizing to do too, which I'll still have to work on - - trying to find things in boxes here (still not unpacked!). So... simplify and restore on THIS place has to wait a day or two, while we stage the other place. Prayers appreciated!

:-) Laura

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Another day, another blog post!

OK - - this works great in keeping me accountable! Yesterday I DID get through all the sorting in our bedroom! I do think large master bedrooms can be a drawback if they are inhabited by people like me, who tend to let things build up and find that as a place for stuff to sit while waiting to be attended to!

Here is what I did yesterday: All the clothes, linens, etc... are sorted. Mine are all put away, but I still have Todd's (the equivalent of about 4 huge laundry baskets) to do. All the kids' stuff is sorted into baskets and ready for me to take to their rooms and put away - - yes, I could have them do it but the sheer volume is so overwhelming that I worry it wouldn't be done all the way, so I'll help this time. I also completed all the wash that needed finishing up,and added that to the baskets/piles.

Today I hope to continue this, but will have limited time at home. We're having the other house carpeted, so we can get it on the market, and I have to be in and out of there Also, Damon and Scott have pdoc appointments on the other side of town, so that takes a couple of hours. If I can JUST get the clothes, linens, etc... out of our room and put away I will be happy today!

Regarding the other house, we have some friends living there right now who are between places to live. I am hopeful that I can help to get it staged with them, to see that it is "market ready" by the weekend. We will be redoing the hardwoods in it sometime in the next couple of weeks, but at least what is done thus far needs to be ready to sell. We want to let them stay in the house until it sells, but their presence cannot be a deterrent from it selling, so we're trying to "train" what we need. I found a home-staging article for them (they're from another country) to explain what the realtor and I mean in terms of having the house "ready" and I REALLY like the opening line - - make it like a "luxury hotel suite." I hope BOTH houses can feel that way soon, too!

Tomorrow will hold its own duties - - I plan to load up at least one bag for goodwill. Back to that again! When life is simpler, we have time for the relationships and things that really count, and Jesus is glorified.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Back on the Blog!

It's been awhile... life happens. The move, and then losing Uncle Bob, plus a lot of kid stuff this summer. Sometimes I have no doubt why fall always feels so good to me... it is finally getting past the busy summer and finally getting a time to be feeling somewhat human again!

My first goal this week is to finish up stuff that is sitting. Bills that need to be throughly reconciled and figured out to pay (we have a lot of medical ones, and that takes time)... laundry that is folded but needs sorted and put away (I have a whole bedroom of that!)... and partially clean rooms that need finished. God is good, and I am praying HE will guide my thoughts as I do this, rather than my having those thoughts from the "other one" that defeat my energies. Thoughts such as "I only have an hour, I won't be able to get things done in that short of a time..." etc. Satan loves to derail us!!

OK - off the computer go I, and to work on these things. Oh - - and the second goal - - is to assist our friends who are presently living in our other house, to have the house ready for showing via our real estate agent asap. We're ready to sell it! Please!

I hope for blessings on YOUR day as well, Laura